Thursday, July 26, 2012

Reliving the Glory Years!

 A Message from the Alum

Amber Streiff

Alpha Gam Alum, Amber Streiff, pledged in Fall ’07 and served as Website Coordinator, Public Relations on Panhellenic, Panhellenic President, and Vice President Campus Relations during her sorority years!  After 4.5 glorious years at Sonoma State, Amber graduated in December of 2012 and since then she has become the Marketing Assistant for Sonoma Tilemakers.  Amber says, “I never imagined working in the tile field, but it is a great company and I am learning a lot.”  Passing on the wisdom she's gained, she tells us that "after college, building foundation and skills for your career are important, especially if you want to move up in your field.”

Life after Graduation for Amber is “not all that its cracked up to be” as she states “I no longer get to spend my summer lounging around the Beauj pool, sleeping in until 12, or taking spontaneous road trips.  I live for the weekends!”  She tells us, Monday through Friday, from 8-430pm, you can find her in the office behind a computer, but she says, “Don’t get me wrong, the money isn’t a bad bonus!”

When looking back on college, Amber misses sorority the most.  One of her favorite Alpha Gam memories “was the wedding mixer we had with Alpha Psi" where she got to be the Reverend and "marry Jessica Xavier and some Psi boy. They exchanged vows and the whole 9 yards. It was absolutely hilarious.”  
  Amber fondly looks back and says "110% I will never forget the AMAZING four years that Alpha Gamma Delta gave me. I miss walking around campus and seeing sisters everywhere. There is no other sisterhood like ours!"
Amber with her little Amanda Gordon at the Jelly Belly Factory Sisterhood!

 Advice to current Alpha Gams:  
"GO TO EVERYTHING! GET INVOLVED. They are not lying when they say the more you put into it the more you get out. I was highly involved and it was the most amazing experience of my life. Also, branch out and go on sister dates with girls you don’t really know. You will be surprised how much you have in common."

"The friendships I made will last me a lifetime! My bridesmaids will all be Alpha Gams, no joke!"